Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chapter 15: Parents as Partners in Twenty-First-Century Learning

This chapter addresses a new method of communicating with parents that almost completely eliminates the effort from the teachers. You can have a website with e-mails, all assignments posted using an online syllabus, and pretty much any other technological tool, that will keep parents involved with their child’s education. It is no longer necessary to send notes home or make phone calls, while still useful, there is a magic land of “the Internet” that allows that interaction to take place easier. A quick e-mail will make it to the targeted parent instantly instead of waiting for the student to remember to hand their parent a note, and a phone call requires coordination of common times to have a conversation. Have the world of electronic social media at our disposal we as teachers should have no trouble keeping parents up to date with their children’s progress and it might even make some otherwise absent parents more involved.

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