Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chapter 8: Effective Assessment

The key ideas from this chapter that I will implement into my future classroom are clear expectations, focus on essential knowledge, and valid indicator of students knowledge. The first idea is so easy that it is embarrassing that it has to be written about. It is not the job of a teacher to try and trick students. We should always let them know where we want them to get. Outlining the goal will allow them to worry about material rather than the process it will take to show what they know. The second and third ideas go hand in hand, focusing on essential knowledge and a valid indicator of students knowledge are near and dear to my heart as a future math teacher. I make English teachers mad because I will not count spelling or grammar on anything written, I will note the papers so the student can self correct if they want to but at no time will writing rules take points away from the math concepts the student is trying to demonstrate. Teaching is a team effort I agree, but receiving a poor math grade because you struggle in English class is the most backward idea, and a great way to squash any remaining confidence a student may have.

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